Mina’s Why

Today’s world requires giving up a lot of control.

In today’s digital world, we often find ourselves surrendering control of our personal data, financial transactions, and even the integrity of elections to powerful tech companies, banks, and opaque systems. Even when we seek refuge in blockchain technology, we end up relying on third parties to verify transactions due to the high hardware and energy costs involved in blockchain participation.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Mina was created to give back control and relinquish trust of intermediaries for users and developers. Leveraging advanced cryptography and recursive zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs), Mina offers true decentralization, scale, and security while remaining accessible.

What is a zero knowledge proof?

A cryptographic technique that allows one party to prove the truth of a statement to another party without revealing any specific details about the statement.

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ZK Tech Stack

Kimchi-Pickles Proof System

Proof systems are built to prove statements. Mina has a unique proof system that is highly efficient and composable.

Pickles is Mina’s proof system that creates recursive proofs, which relies on a protocol called Kimchi to produce the proofs.

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Ouroboros Samasika POS Consensus

Ouroboros Samasika is a proof-of-stake protocol used for secure, scalable consensus by enabling efficient block production and eliminating the need for long-term history checks.

It ensures high security and reduces centralization risks.

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Snarketplace Proof Market

The Snarketplace is a service exchange where block producers add transactions for SNARK Workers create ZKPs to process them.

This marketplace model, ensures the network’s compact size and efficient transaction processing by requiring completed SNARK work to be purchased before adding new block producer transactions.

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zkApps Smart Contracts

ZK-powered smart contracts that are Turing complete, and offer enhanced privacy, off-chain computation, and recursive composability with no gas fees.

They are written in TypeScript, a familiar programming language for a streamlined developer experience. Learn how to build a zkApp.

Build a zkApp

ZK Use Cases

See all the projects built on Mina

Privacy & Trustless Attestations

zkApps are powerful for providing data-level privacy or identity, and verifying requirements without exposing underlying user information.

For instance, you can privately prove you have a certain number of social followers or ensure private yet auditable elections to protect individuals’ voting information.


Verify the state of chain, block, transaction, in privacy-preserving and efficient way with zkBridges.


Leverage Mina’s small size, and efficient proof system to build high-performant L2s or securely settle ZKPs from any chain or app to.

Secure & Compliant

Mina’s ZK integration can assure fair lending criteria and secure information verification without accessing private user data, building trust.

Mina combines cost-efficiency, privacy, and interoperability, enabling secure, trustless global transactions without centralized intermediaries or high fees.