Mina Ecosystem Gears Up for Beta Testing Phase
Six groundbreaking zkApps and infrastructure projects enter testing phases this fall
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Six groundbreaking zkApps and infrastructure projects enter testing phases this fall
Explore a near-term product roadmap for the Mina ecosystem over the next six months
Mina Foundation and SmartOSC Corporation unite to educate the next generation of ZK devs.
So you didn’t quite have time for the 2.5-hour technical video? We don’t blame you; it’s the same length as a BLOCKbuster, pun intended!
This is the third in a series of blogposts that explores how Mina’s governance can learn from collective intelligence where groups of people are organized at scale to solve complex public problems in ways that often outperform individual people alone.
We’re hosting MinaCon in Istanbul—a three-day unconference where we come together to illuminate the ways forward.
Dive into the latest proposal to upgrade the MIP process just published on MinaResearch.
Aligned Layer will place Mina’s ‘Proof of Everything’ at the fingertips of Ethereum developers by enabling fast and cheap verification of Kimchi proofs.
Hosted by Mina Foundation, Illuminate offers the Mina community a platform to learn about ecosystem updates, hear from projects building, and engage with fellow community members.
Are you ready to explore the power of zero knowledge? Join members of the Mina Ecosystem at this year’s ETH Singapore
Involving people more directly in decision making through participatory and deliberative processes can help to make democracy more meaningful and its outcomes more legitimate.
The standard is audited and ready-to-use, adding a new layer of functionality to the Mina ecosystem and paving the way for more complex use cases.
Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to deliver true decentralization at scale.
Getting started with ZK on Mina is simple.