Genesis Founding Member: garethtdavies
Learn more about Genesis Founding Member garethtdavies, who has been involved with Mina's community since our testnet was opened to public beta.
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Learn more about Genesis Founding Member garethtdavies, who has been involved with Mina's community since our testnet was opened to public beta.
Blockchain architectures today are very inefficient at being both scalable and decentralized, a challenge widely referred to as the scalability trilemma. In this piece, I propose a new mental model called ScaDe (Scalability-per-unit-of-Decentralization) that helps the industry design better blockchains.
An explanation of how Mina Protocol uses recursive zk-SNARKs to enable a succinct blockchain and solve legacy blockchain issues of decentralization and scalability.
Coda’s Testnet Beta Phase 3 is the biggest testnet release up to date in terms of new features and participants. In the last six months, the number of users who participated in the testnet and tried out Coda was growing steadily. However, in phase 3, together with the launch of the Genesis token program, we’ve seen an explosive growth in interest and influx of participants.
In a one-of-a-kind opportunity for community members, Coda Protocol’s Genesis token program will prepare participants to become the first block producers upon mainnet launch.
What if we could, without trust, interact with other parties, and be assured through cryptography that our data would never be leaked? This is where zk-SNARKs come in. In the same way that Bitcoin was a call to action around reasserting our financial ownership, SNARKs in the same vein will help us assert our computational ownership.
Last month, we had a Winter Special testnet event. The event kicked off with a soft-fork from the Phase 2.4 testnet and we hoped to achieve a new milestone for keeping the network up and running for longer than ever before on the Testnet Beta. The community exceeded all our expectations — read on about all the milestones and the new guides and tools that they created.
The Complete Guide to Crypto's Most Powerful Proofs
After two more months of testing and hardening the Coda protocol, we’ve arrived at the end of Testnet Phase 2. The goal of Phase 2 was to ensure that these features would be durable — that they would last on longer testnets, and snowball into an increasingly viable mainnet release candidate. See below for more detail on how Phase 2 progressed.
Coda’s Testnet Beta Phase 2 is concluded! Release 2.4 ‘Rising-Phoenix’ made a great, stable ending of Phase 2. At the time of writing, the block height reached almost 4000 and it was capable of handling the activity peaks during Magic Window hours, where testnet users were loading the network with transactions.
Almost four months ago, Coda’s Testnet Beta Phase 1 was launched. Today, we’ve arrived at Testnet Release 2.4, named ‘Rising-Phoenix’. This release is the result of many testing and moments, where we saw our hopes diminish, rise again and reach higher peaks.
Testnet Beta Phase 2.2 was a busy period, marked by a lot of tinkering and breaking. The community rose up to the challenge to increase the transaction throughput during 'Magic Window' hours, and a new bug soon came to the surface, which the team can now investigate.
Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to deliver true decentralization at scale.
Getting started with ZK on Mina is simple.